Thu, 12 February 2015
Quinton Flynn returns this week, along with frenemies both real and imaginary! Disclaimer, Glitches & Gremlins, The Shorty Awards Revisited, The Pop Culture Train, Private Ranter, Q's Resume, Rob Trips Out, In The Name Of Jasper Lotus Hawkins, Drug Monkeys, Probationary Period, Joke Gone Wrong, In Like Flynn, Master Mimic, Unfair Advantages, James Lipton, Gravitas, Batting Average, The Charmer, Kanye's Kryptonite, Johnson Water, Close Your Eyes And Be Still, Everything's Been Done To Death. Listen LIVE! Thursdays at 7:00pm PST on TMV Cafe In Like Flynn: Kayne West Slams Beck - Quinton Flynn Slams Back