Thu, 29 January 2015
Lisa Orkin joins the men of The Spoon for this episode, and the discussion gets more ways than one. Bad Cereal Night, Gluten Free, Sybian Revisited, Sex Lingo, Dave Died From Poison, Announcer Voice, The Greatest Generation, Oxygen Mask Deployment, Hurrah Torpedo Revisited, The German Comes Easily, A Hearty Diet, Schlager Music, Fish Scrapings, Love Bites, Spoon Feeding, Musical Patron Saints, Guest Dossier, Hike Talk.
Thu, 22 January 2015
Bill Funt is our first guest in the new live format, and brings a heaping helping of fractious frivolity, in which the sparks they do fly! Remembering Taylor Negron, Penile Bufrication, Christian Science and Scientology, Circumcision and Grooming, Dotty Old Guys, Hefner and Guccione, Ear Worms, Billy Joel, Five Stages Of Fame, Bereft Of Song, The Paracas Skulls, 3D Impersonations, Reality TV Pitch, Outdoor Game Shows, Candid Camera Talk, Sex Tapes, Local Commercials, and The Shorty Awards.
Thu, 15 January 2015
Our first live show in 25 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days. Much rejoicing! Business In The Front: Tales Of The Bradfutes, Brussell Sprout Technology, Charlie Hebdo Revisited, Warning Label, The Youths. Party In The Back: Viral Mashups, Contract Negotiations, Cracking Open The Intertron, Neil Young/Pono, All About Presentation, Queen Memories, Album Withdrawal, KLOS/DJ Culture, Tasteful Plank Spanking, Snowden Retrospective, Beer Hipsterati, Two Pits & Chesty.
Thu, 8 January 2015
First sorrow. Then anger. Then lollipop trees. The Men of The Spoon make their debut on TMV Cafe with talk of the Charlie Hebdo murders, Islamist baiting, stimulus burnout, news-related loudness wars, the Year Of Outrage, the urban legend underground railroad, TMNT remake, Los Angeles geography cheats, Big Eyes, a swing and a miss, give the fans what they want, Badfinger fail, artists sobering up, Coelacanth discoveries, Von Trier confessions, and at least two instances of "Jinx!"
Fri, 2 January 2015
Travis J Coleman of Superenthusiast Radio joins us to help ring in 2015. Celebrity reincarnation, magic rings, pointing psycho in the right direction, Perkins vs Hopkins vs Orzabal, totally inside baseball, the movie lied, losing our perspicacity, throwing out Christmas trees, non-conformity stew, old age and inhibitions, camping out for Iron Sky II, French movies are French, mandated affair time, Haitian conch, Albanian exports, the gods are walking the earth, bad Baldwin impressions, old yearbook pictures, spoon feeding, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, doin' it live!