Fri, 26 June 2015
This is The Spoon, where we punch you in the head and are just fine with it. Do You Know Who I Am, So Very German, Clinton vs Sanders, Debate Club, Coke vs Pepsi, Red vs Magenta, Confederate Flag, Baby Steps, Gun People, Greatest Song, 80s Records, South American Stadiums, Morissey, Fainting Couch, Queen, Presidential Stress, Grey Hair, Old People Don't Care, Science Hoopla, Airlines Of The Past, Campaign Song, TMV Cafe, Spoon Feeding, Dinosaur Movie, Perfect Rectangle. Listen LIVE! Thursdays at 7:00pm PST on TMV Cafe Music By
Fri, 19 June 2015
This is The Spoon, where we are (not) KLOS staples! Alan Parsons, Technical Issues, Homemade Gin, Food Is Over, Drunken Dares, McWeiner, Bell Beefer, Greatest Song, Ladyhawke, Baron Munchausen, Underachievers, Thom Exists, Donald Trump, Oliver The Place, Horror Sensei, HC3 Is A Comedy, Slippery Yoga, "The City", Larry David, Vampire Religion, Androgeny, Segments On The Brain, Naming The Lines, These Monkeys, Audience Aim, Booking Obama, Spoon Feeding, Melissa McCarthy, Celeb Food Phrases, Gaudi. Listen LIVE! Thursdays at 7:00pm PST on TMV Cafe
Thu, 11 June 2015
This is The Spoon, where James Monosmith our guest, your Minister Of Information has the week off, and we're made of headphones. Listen LIVE! Thursdays at 7:00pm PST on TMV Cafe
Thu, 4 June 2015
This is The Spoon, where Circe Link and Christian Nesmith are our guests, and we're working on that Kool-Aid recipe. Music Thing, How Did You Meet, Nose Fetish, Valentines & Rings, Big Honey, Enjoy The Couch, Used Forks, Sep Blatter, Breathing A Solid, Monkee Relations, Extreme Fans, Soaps Are Back, Fiddle And Banjo Crap, Greatest Song, Social Proof, Band Name Lists, Internal Seeds, The Most Offensive Thing, Good Vibrations, Artistic Impatience, Spoon Feeding, Circe's Revenge, Final Questions. Spoon Feeding