Mon, 22 November 2010
Napoleon had a standard battle plan, in two parts: A) Show up, and B) See what happens. In this episode, the men of The Spoon employ the talk radio equivalent of this approach, and the results are...predictably unpredictable. Held together by a loose thread on the joys and concerns of the impending holiday season, Robbie, Chris, and Thom sluice through a truly bounteous selection of topics which it would be folly to even attempt to recount in this forum. We can, however, reveal that this week's Weezer-centric Sodomizing A Legacy contains the best morphologically enigmatic mire poix joke that you're likely to hear for a long, long time to come. Music by Anny Celsi, Too Much Joy, and, lamentably, our fair trio themselves. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!